- R&D Manager (Ireland):
I engaged Niels as a coach to fast-track the smooth introduction of agile development management (Evo) to a team,
which was being let down by a waterfall SDLC. The team quickly focused on early delivery of working systems with most
valuable functionality to key stakeholders. Customer satisfaction improved. I have subsequently engaged Niels
on fixed assignments of an agreed number of days spread over agreed period to address a specific problem or
to develop team's agile maturity. Niels' deceptively simple phrase "Quality on Time" encapsulates very well his
approach to project management (Evo/Agile). I recommend Niels as a coach for project management.
- Development Group Leader (NL):
I have taken many project management courses in my life. They all skipped
issues like discipline, focus, permanent application of the Plan-Do-Check-Act
cycle, creating stakeholder value in short cycles, and consciously generating
feedback. All problems Niels addresses are mentioned in books that seek
solutions in numerous kinds of formal control mechanisms, which do not address
the issues at the root of the problems. Niels does, and succeeds.
- Software Project Manager (NL):
First we tried Agile (XP) development. Result: over budget and over
time due to informal and direct communication between stakeholders (wish
list was too long and unmanaged).
Then we tried Waterfall with extensive initial documentation (CMM). Result:
over budget and over time due to planning problems and changed requirements
on delivery.
Finally we tried Niels' approach. Result: implementation in an unusual short
period of time; stakeholder participation much better; end result closer
to stakeholder expectations. We keep using this approach.
- R&D Manager (USA):
Schedule accuracy for this platform development was 50% better than the program average (as
measured by program schedule overrun) over the last 5 years, and this product was the fastest
time-to-market with the highest quality at introduction of any platform in our group in more than 10
years. The team also won a prestigious Team Award as part of the company’s Technical
Excellence recognition program.
See case study, chapter 4.7.1
- Embedded Systems Project Manager:
We should have used this much earlier in the project: it would have
saved us even more time. The next project we´ll use Niels' approach right
from the start.
- Research Group Leader (Washington DC):
Applying these methods to my own activities, I became 40% more productive instantly.
- Japanese phd student
I really appreciate you for mentoring my project.
If I did not meet you, I could not have finished my project as it is.
- Japanese engineer
I think your method is helpful not only for project management but also for leadership.
So I really appreciate your advices!!
- Tester (USA)
It feels good to be getting in control of my work. It's incredible to me that in all the
time I've been doing this kind of work, for several different companies, no one has ever
provided me with this kind of help. Recently my manager commented again that he was
surprised about all the work I've been getting done lately, so I told him it's due to using Niels' advice.
- Tutorial attendee (Israel)
I've attended many many lectures in my life.
This one is absolutely the best I've ever attended.
- Course organizer (China)
I worked with Niels on two workshops held in Shanghai during 2008-2010.
Niels is a very capable business consultant for the multiple-industries.
I'm always impressed by his thorough knowledge on project management methods,
experience in consulting with delegates on complex business issues,
using Evo methods to shorten project time as well as solve difficult problems.
I learned and benefited greatly working together with Niels.
- Lecture at large bank in London
- Niels was clearly an expert in his subject - injected a sense of humour, personality and interactivity to make it interesting.
- I found this presentation very interesting and the speaker was engaging. The language was clear, simple and easy for anyone to follow!
- (Found at LinkedIn)
Niels' writings, lectures, and presentations have all add great value to my work. They were understandable, pragmatic, immediately usable and help me manage software projects.
- Space project
Using Niels' approach, the project delivered 1 day early, where earlier projects usually took a year more than planned. Nowadays every project finishes properly on time.
(Imagine the savings when 40 people need a year less).