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Booklets and Presentations on Evolutionary Project Management Methods


Reading advice: first read Booklet#7, then 8, then 2 or 9, then 4, then 3 and 1.
(read booklet#6 if you're interested in Human Behavioral issues in projects; booklet#7 is #5 improved)
Print as A5 booklet if you don't mind fine print. Otherwise, print on A4 size.

Other articles:

Inspection materials:
See Inspections page

Articles by others:

Presentation Handouts (see also the conferences page)
See a 100 min video recording of a presentation, held 6 Nov in London at SkillsMatter.
SkillsMatter: In the Brain of Niels Malotaux:
Presentation: Evolutionary Project Planning - How to Get and Keep your Project on Time (pdf, 1145 kb)
Case Studies:
ETA - Evo Task Administrator tool (current version is V1.16 - 25 Nov 2012):
Articles in Dutch

Slides introduction Cleanroom Software Engineering

Cleanroom software engineering is a combination of software processes which enable us making software with:

These slides were prepared for an introduction about Cleanroom Software Engineering, presented at the Metrics study group of SPIder, the Dutch Software Process Improvement network, in January 2000. Almost all slides are in English. If you invite us to present this introduction in English, the remaining few Dutch slides will be translated.

Slides of an introduction lecture about SPI at NASA

SPI at NASA (pdf, 282 kb), 27 Sep 1999
The NASA Process Inprovement Guidebook provides an overview of the SPI activities at NASA, with a lot of experience included. You probably can learn a lot from it. Why invent the wheel over and over again? It is much smarter to learn from others and continue from there.
These slides were prepared for an introduction about the NASA process improvement activities, based on the Guidebook, presented at the Metrics study group of SPIder, the Dutch Software Process Improvement network, June 1999.
Download NASA Software Process Inprovement Guidebook (.pdf, 750 kb)

Forms for SPI

TimeLog sheet (pdf, 81 kb)
Filled in example of TimeLog sheet (pdf, 60 kb)
Excel file with both forms, to adapt to your own taste (.xlsx, 32kb)
Note: Nowadays there is a web-based version of the TimeLog sheet. If you'd be interested, contact me:
Tasksheet (.dot, 35kb)
Note: Nowadays there is a web-based version of the Task planning tool. If you'd be interested, contact me:
How to start Document Inspections (pdf, 241 kb), Slides as used at the SPIder plenary meeting in Utrecht, November 22, 2000.

CMM documents:

Order in CMM2
In the following document I have tried to get some order in the CMM level 2 KPA's, as many issues of the KPA's are or seem similar. In the column at the right each row is summarized. At the bottom of the 2nd page all Activities where "documented procedure" is mentioned are listed.
From this you can make your own analysis. I think I see some irregularities...
This file can be printed on page-view A3 size for a good overview. Preferably to be printed in color.