Booklets and other downloads
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Booklets and Presentations on Evolutionary Project Management Methods
Reading advice: first read Booklet#7,
then 8, then 2 or 9, then 4, then 3 and 1.
(read booklet#6 if you're interested in Human Behavioral issues in projects; booklet#7 is #5 improved)
Print as A5 booklet if you don't mind fine print. Otherwise, print on A4 size.
- Booklet 1: Evolutionary Project Management Methods (pdf, 395 kb), 4 Dec 2001
Version 1.6 - 19 Nov 2018, Issues and first experience gained at Philips, Belgium, in 2001
- Booklet 2: How Quality is Assured by Evolutionary Methods (pdf, 294 kb), 2 Oct 2004
Version 1.12 - 30 Aug 2018, More recent practical experience, based on coaching some 25 projects in 9 organizations.
Originally prepared as paper for the PNSQC conference,
Portland-OR, USA, October 2004.
- Booklet 3: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 295 kb), 15 Jun 2005
Version 1.13 - 7 Jul 2019, How to change the focus of testing from injection-find-fix to prevention.
Originally prepared as paper for the PNSQC conference, Portland-OR, USA, October 2005.
- Booklet 3a: Optimizing Quality Assurance for Better Results (pdf, 197 kb), 8 Nov 2005
Version QA0.1 - 8 Nov 2005, How to change the focus of QA from injection-find-fix to prevention.
Based on Booklet3, but now targeted to a non-software audience
- Booklet 4: Controlling Project Risk by Design (pdf, 586 kb), 19 Apr 2006
Version 1.07 - 11 Mar 2024, Risk management, the Evo way. Originally prepared for Rose-City (Portland, OR) SPIN meeting March 2006.
- Booklet 5: TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Control over your Project (pdf, 344 kb), 7 Sep 2007
Version 1.04 - 2 Mar 2008, TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Control over your Project
Note: Booklet7 is a re-write of the TimeLine, and general evolutionary planning concept
- Booklet 6: Recognizing and Understanding Human Behavior to Improve Systems Engineering Results (pdf, 342 kb), 18 Aug 2008
Version 1.0 - 5 Sep 2018, Originally prepared for APCOSE 2008, Yokohama, Japan, September 2008. Reformatted as booklet: Sep 2018.
- Booklet 7: Evo Planning or How to Achieve the Most Important Requirement (pdf, 376 kb), 12 Jul 2009
Version 2.3 - 30 Aug 2018, Prepared for INCOSE International Symposium, Singapore, July 2009. This is an improved version of Booklet#5 (TimeLine), with more emphasis on Systems Engineering (although applicable to any other project), more emphasis on what to do if there isn't enough time to do what we think we have to do, and added section on "Predicting the Future" in the Calibration chapter.
Note that Booklet#5 can still be interesting for the 26 step TimeLine process description.
- Booklet 8: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 233 kb), 19 Jun 2009
Version 1.4 - 7 Mar 2024, How we solved a half-year Testing backlog in 9 weeks.
- Booklet 9: Predictable Projects - How to deliver the Right Results at the Right Time
(pdf, 669 kb), 10 Oct 2012
Version 1.3 - 17 Nov 2024, Originally published in SyEn newsletter #50, 2012
Other articles:
Inspection materials:
See Inspections page
Articles by others:
Presentation Handouts (see also the conferences page)
- How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 1687 kb)
Presented at ExpoQA15 Madrid 2015
- Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Results at the Right Time (pdf, 3482 kb)
Predictable Projects course at Keio University, Yokohama, 24-27 Sep 2013
- Mantras for Predictable Projects (pdf, 341 kb), Presentation at the Gilb London Seminar 2012
- INCOSE-IL 2011 Workshop handout (pdf, 1743 kb), used at the INCOSE SE Conference, Israel, March 2011
- What is the essence of being Lean and Agile? (pdf, 760 kb)
as presented at Unicom, London, 20 Jan 2011 (slightly adapted from the presentation at INOCSE-Sweden, 23 Nov 2010)
- Predictable Projects (pdf, 4535 kb), workshop Beijing and Shanghai December 2010
- Evo University Course (pdf, 2013 kb), as used in a 4 day, 13 x 90 min course at Keio University in Yokohama, February 2010
- Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 2596 kb), EuSEC - European Systems Engineering Conference, 23 May 2010, Stockholm
- ReviewInspCourse (pdf, 2504 kb), Spring 2008
as used at clients (this course doesn't only teach Inspection types, but also what we can do about the problems we find)
- TimeLine Poster (pdf, 545 kb), TimeLine poster, elements of TimeLine booklet (booklet#5) in poster form, used at SEPG Europe, Munich, June 2008
- Handout IKD course (pdf, 1749 kb), Handout IKD course "Successful Planning of Software Projects", used for ICT Kring Delft. Slides in English.
- Evolutionary Development Methods (Evo)
(pdf, 410 kb), Slides, as used at the Philips Software Conference, Veldhoven, June 2002
Case Studies:
- Experiences in RCS Leuven: a happy customer looking back (pdf, 343 kb), Slides as used by Bart Vanderbeke, Philips Leuven, at the Philips Software Conference, Veldhoven, June 2002, and D&E Event, Eindhoven, Oct 2002.
- Evolutionary Methods (Evo) at Tektronix (pdf, 324 kb), by Frank Goovaerts and Doug Shiffler, Tektronix Inc.
Extract from the Proceedings of the PNSQC conference, Portland OR, Oct 2006.
This paper documents how we implemented Evo Planning at Tektronix.
ETA - Evo Task Administrator tool (current version is V1.16 - 25 Nov 2012):
- Evo Task Administrator (zip, 220 kb)
Tool for administration of Evo Tasks. It's just a demo to show important elements of Evo Task planning, however, it is used by most projects I coached, so apparently it's useful. Still, without some coaching you'll probably not understand the essence of using it. Use the Readme file (ETANote) for explanations of all elements. Chapter 5 has a step-by-step starting guide.
NEW: Version V1.16 - 25 Nov 2012! Download and find update details in the Readme file.
The tool you can download is a MS-Access version.
Nowadays there is a web-based version for collaboration over the web.
If you'd be interested, contact me:
Articles in Dutch
Slides introduction
Cleanroom Software Engineering
Cleanroom software engineering is a combination of software processes
which enable us making software with:
- Zero failures in field use
A defect level so low that the customer stays unaware of any defects
- Short development cycles
If you follow and optimise the right processes, you are done faster:
Quality is cheaper.
- Long product life
If the design documentation is the basis of the design, rather than
the code, maintenance (80% of the cost of many software projects!) is
much easier, enabling a longer economical life of the product.
These slides were prepared for an introduction about Cleanroom Software
Engineering, presented at the Metrics study group of SPIder, the Dutch Software
Process Improvement network, in January 2000. Almost all slides are in English.
If you invite us to present this introduction in English, the remaining
few Dutch slides will be translated.
Slides of an introduction lecture about SPI at NASA
SPI at NASA (pdf, 282 kb), 27 Sep 1999
The NASA Process Inprovement Guidebook provides an overview of the SPI activities at NASA, with a lot of
experience included. You probably can learn a lot from it. Why invent the
wheel over and over again? It is much smarter to learn from others and continue
from there.
These slides were prepared for an introduction about the NASA process
improvement activities, based on the Guidebook, presented at the Metrics study group of SPIder,
the Dutch Software Process Improvement network, June 1999.
Download NASA Software Process Inprovement Guidebook (.pdf, 750 kb)
Forms for SPI
TimeLog sheet (pdf, 81 kb)
Filled in example of TimeLog sheet (pdf, 60 kb)
Excel file
with both forms, to adapt to your own taste (.xlsx, 32kb)
Note: Nowadays there is a web-based version of the TimeLog sheet.
If you'd be interested, contact me:
Tasksheet (.dot, 35kb)
Note: Nowadays there is a web-based version of the Task planning tool.
If you'd be interested, contact me:
How to start Document Inspections (pdf, 241 kb), Slides as used at the SPIder plenary meeting in Utrecht, November 22, 2000.
CMM documents:
Order in CMM2
In the following document I have tried to get some order in the CMM level
2 KPA's, as many issues of the KPA's are or seem similar. In the column at the
right each row is summarized. At the bottom of the 2nd page all Activities
where "documented procedure" is mentioned are listed.
From this you can make your own analysis. I think I see some irregularities...
This file can be printed on page-view A3
size for a good overview. Preferably to be printed in color.